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Services and Programs

What We Do

~ Information and referral to services and programs available in the area.
~ Document translation and interpretation services for a wide range of needs.
~ Transportation to important appointments including medical, legal and immigration. 
~ Citizenship workshops and voter engagement campaigns.
~ Assistance and training in interacting with the public education system.
~ Education programs for adults to promote self-sufficiency. Those programs Include English as a Second Language, computer skills, employability skills, legal literacy, financial literacy, parental involvement and more.
~ After-school and summer programs for children and youth including School of Music, Bebés Activos, Lee y Serás, Adelante America, tutoring and homework assistance.
~ Programs to promote health including Rumba for Kids, Zumba (aerobic exercises with Latin music) and workshops in nutrition and healthcare.
~ Programs to promote Hispanic culture: Spanish classes, folklore dance classes, music school, and more.

To receive more detailed information or to learn about our calendar of programs please contact our office.

Our Mission


“ To respond to the needs of the Latino Community by assisting them to succeed in U.S. society, and to enable Latinos to maintain and share their rich varied cultures with the broader community. ”
